SEO List of Important Strategies

Search Engine Optimization is a complex and time consuming business. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep up with the popular search engine algorithms. These algorithms (rules a search engine uses for ranking your website) can change without notice and often do, sometimes monthly. Because of this, keeping up with SEO can become a full time job and very expensive. In an effort to better serve you and keep your costs down Sarno Photography & Graphic Design™ created this list to help you perform some of your own SEO and to help you better understand what I do to optimize a website for you. All web design clients will receive more information on each topic below.

  1. Choose targeted niche keyword phrases to use throughout your Meta data and body copy.
  2. Use your keywords in your title tag.
  3. Your description tag is very important. Use your key phrases in your description pages and tailor the description to each page.
  4. Keywords Meta data is losing importance but you should still list your relevant keyword phrases within your site. Do not overload the keywords or you will get flagged for spamming.
  5. Lots of Quality Content. The more content you have on your website the more search engines will know what your website is about.
  6. Use your keyword phrases within your body copy. The written content on your web page must be about the keyword phrase that your web page is optimized for. The more informative your written copy is about your page topic the better.
  7. Links within your site. Search engines read your links so they know were to go next and uses the link text to know what it might find when it reaches that page. Make sure your link anchor text is relevant and descriptive.
  8. To attract local search hits use your local information within your whole website not just your contact page. For example: list at the bottom you are located within "Middletown" near "other towns" and within some "county".
  9. Submit your website to major web directory listings such as Open directory This will add to the number of websites who link to your website and many search engines use these directories to list new websites they find in the directory.
  10. Links from others sites that are related to your topic and keyword phrases. The more other websites link to your website the better.
  11. Do not use spam techniques such as link farms, irrelevant keywords, keyword stuffing, fake doorway pages, and other unethical SEO techniques that were once used in the past.
