How do I get my visitors to return to my website?

To get visitors to return to your website you need to make sure that your website is attractive. First impressions are very important. Visitors will leave if they don't like how your website looks. It is very important that your website is intuitive and easy to navigate. If visitors don't know where they are, where they were, where to go, and how to get back, then they will simply leave.

The best way to make sure people come back is to give them great content and update it often. They will only return if they find what they want. Visitors will return more often if you give them a reason. That reason is new content that they want to come back to pursue. If you let a website sit too long without new content then your visitors will quickly use it for what they need and move on to someone else for future needs. Blogs and news letters are a great way to ad updated content for your visitors.
